Work With Me

Masterclasses, Private Coaching, Customised Workshops.

Is poor communication putting your reputation at risk and ruining all your hard work? 

Are you being misquoted?

Are you prepared for the unexpected?

Working alongside leaders and company spokespeople, I share the knowledge and the skills you need to become an influential, positive leader – especially in high-stakes situations. Because after more than 30 years working in (and around) the media and with leaders in pressure situations, I’m adamant that the cornerstone of becoming an influential leader is deliberate, strategic, powerful communication. 

The right communication (and the right preparation) for those unexpected crisis situations is the insurance that protects the most precious of all assets - your reputation.

Prepare for the unexpected.

Let's get you crisis ready. Book your FREE 45-minute discovery call now so we can explore your needs and get you going in the right direction.

Jane and her team provided a unique and thought provoking experience by being able to test our media skills in a realistic and challenging way, in the context of a safe environment. Personalised and tailored feedback on our performance was also key to maximising the overall benefit of the workshop.
— McGrathNicol Partner

In the Media and Appearances


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Published Work

The Four Stages of Highly Effective Crisis Management
- How to Manage the Media in the Digital Age by Jane Jordan

Published by CRC Press (2011)

From the Japanese tsunami and the Egyptian revolution to the Haitian earthquake and the Australian floods, social media has proven its power to unite, coalesce, support, champion, and save lives. Presenting cutting-edge media communication solutions, The Four Stages of Highly Effective Crisis Management explains how to choose the appropriate language and media outlet to properly convey your message during and after a crisis.

Janie Jordan is a source of inspiration for public relations students at the University of Wollongong. We’ve never met in person, but she willingly gave her time to present to students. Janie’s blogs are easy to read, yet informative and she’s very approachable when you have questions or comments. Janie appreciates engagement from her readers. I now subscribe to an RSS feed so I don’t miss any of her blogs because they offer a challenging and often different perspective on particular current affairs issues. I find her work on how culture shapes strategic thinking, which trickles down and permeates all parts of an organisation particularly insightful.

Without knowing me at all, Janie willingly prepared and gave an informative presentation for students studying Corporate Identity and Branding, supported by relevant news stories that were easy to relate to. Janie’s presentation drove home that we all have a role to play in making good decisions. Culture isn’t just the responsibility of Senior Executives, even though their behaviour influences the types of decisions that are made. After the presentation, many students also subscribed to her blog.
— Dr Sue Slowikowski, The University of Woolongong